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Code Introspection in Python

Updated: Sep 18, 2024

Python is known for its readability and simplicity, but what makes it even more powerful is its ability to examine itself during runtime. This ability is called code introspection. In simple terms, introspection means "looking inside," and in Python, it allows us to look at various parts of code (like functions, classes, and modules) while the program is running.

In this Codes With Pankaj blog, we’ll explore what code introspection is, why it’s useful, and some tools Python provides for this purpose.


What is Code Introspection?

Code introspection is the process of examining the type, structure, attributes, and capabilities of objects in Python. Since everything in Python is treated as an object (including functions, classes, and modules), this feature can help you understand more about your code while it’s running.

Imagine you’ve written a function but forgot how it works exactly. Instead of looking through the code manually, you can use introspection to find out what the function does, what arguments it takes, and more - without ever opening the function definition !


Why is Introspection Important?

  1. Helps in Debugging: Introspection lets you inspect objects dynamically, which is a huge help when debugging or exploring unfamiliar code.

  2. Understanding New Libraries: If you're using an unfamiliar module, introspection helps you quickly understand its components.

  3. Useful for Documentation: Tools like help() and dir() generate useful information about code components. This is great for self-documenting your code and improving readability.

Python Tools for Code Introspection

Python provides several built-in functions to help with code introspection. Here’s a look at the most commonly used ones.


1. type()

The type() function tells you what kind of object you’re dealing with. For example, it can help you check if a variable is a string, list, function, or something else.

Example :

x = 10
print(type(x))  # Output: <class 'int'>
y = "Hello"
print(type(y))  # Output: <class 'str'>


2. id()

Every object in Python has a unique identifier, or memory address, assigned to it. The id() function gives you the memory address where the object is stored.

Example :

a = [1, 2, 3]
# Output: A unique number representing the memory address of 'a'


3. dir()

The dir() function is like a map of an object. It shows you the attributes and methods associated with that object.

Example :

class Dog:
	def bark(self):
        return "Woof!"
dog = Dog()

This will list all attributes and methods available to the dog object, including the bark() method you defined and other default ones that Python assigns.


4. help()

The help() function is incredibly useful for getting detailed information about modules, classes, functions, and even objects.

Example :

# This will show you the documentation for the built-in 'print' function


5. callable()

You can use callable() to check if an object is callable, meaning you can call it like a function.

Example :

def example_function():
    return "Codes With Pankaj"

# Output: True

If you try this on an object that isn’t callable, like an integer, it will return False.


6. getattr(), setattr(), and hasattr()

These functions allow you to interact with the attributes of objects dynamically.

  • getattr(): Retrieves the value of an attribute.

  • setattr(): Sets the value of an attribute.

  • hasattr(): Checks if an object has a specific attribute.

Example :

class Cat:
    def __init__(self, name): = name

cat = Cat("Whiskers")

print(getattr(cat, 'name'))  # Output: Whiskers

setattr(cat, 'age', 3)       # Adds a new attribute 'age'

print(cat.age)               # Output: 3

print(hasattr(cat, 'name'))  # Output: True


7. inspect Module

Python's inspect module provides several functions to help you get even more information about objects, such as their source code, argument details, and even the file they are defined in.

Example :

import inspect

def my_function(x, y):

    return x + y

print(inspect.signature(my_function))  # Output: (x, y)


8. repr()

The repr() function returns a string representation of an object, useful for debugging or getting more formal information about an object.

Example :

x = 5
# Output: '5'


9. issubclass()

The issubclass() function checks if one class is a subclass of another class. This is useful when working with class hierarchies.

Example :

class Animal:


class Dog(Animal):


print(issubclass(Dog, Animal))  # Output: True


10. isinstance()

The isinstance() function checks if an object is an instance of a specific class. It’s helpful when you want to ensure that an object belongs to a particular type.

Example :

d = Dog()

print(isinstance(d, Dog))    # Output: True

print(isinstance(d, Animal)) # Output: True


11. inspect Module

Python's inspect module provides several functions to help you get even more information about objects, such as their source code, argument details, and even the file they are defined in.

Example :

import inspect

def my_function(x, y):

    return x + y

print(inspect.signature(my_function))  # Output: (x, y)


12. sys Module

The sys module provides access to system-specific variables and functions, such as command-line arguments or information about the Python interpreter.

Example :

import sys
# Output: Python version installed on your system


13. doc

Every Python object can have a documentation string, also called a docstring, which can be accessed using the doc attribute. It’s useful for getting quick information about classes, functions, or modules.

Example :

def my_function():

    """This function returns Hello"""

    return "Hello"


# Output: This function returns Hello


14. name

The name attribute provides the name of the module or function. When used inside a module, it will show "__main__" if the module is being run directly.

Example :

print(__name__)  # Output: '__main__' if run directly


Detailed Example of Code Introspection in Python

Step 1: Create a Simple Class

Here, we define a class Car with a couple of methods and attributes :

class Car:

    """A simple Car class."""


    def __init__(self, make, model, year):

        """Initialize the car object."""

        self.make = make

        self.model = model

        self.year = year

    def start_engine(self):

        """Simulate starting the car's engine."""

        print(f"The {self.make} {self.model}'s engine is now running.")

    def stop_engine(self):

        """Simulate stopping the car's engine."""

        print(f"The {self.make} {self.model}'s engine has been turned off.")

# Create an instance of the Car class

my_car = Car("Toyota", "Camry", 2022)

In this example, the Car class has a constructor (__init__) and two methods: start_engine() and stop_engine(). The object my_car is created from this class.

Step 2: Using Introspection Tools

Now, let's explore how we can inspect this object using Python’s introspection tools.

2.1: Inspect the Object Type with type()

The type() function tells us the type of an object.

# Output: <class '__main__.Car'>

This output shows that my_car is an instance of the Car class.

2.2: Get a List of Attributes and Methods with dir()

To view all the attributes and methods associated with the my_car object, use the dir() function.


This will output a long list, including Python's internal methods (those starting with double underscores, like init) and the custom methods we defined (start_engine and stop_engine).

Sample output :

['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__',  '__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__',  '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', 'make', 'model', 'start_engine', 'stop_engine', 'year']

In this output, you can see all attributes, including our custom ones (make, model, year, start_engine, and stop_engine).

2.3: Get Documentation with help() and doc

To get detailed documentation about the Car class, including its methods and docstrings, use the help() function.


The output provides all the available documentation for the Car class, like this:

Help on Car in module __main__ object:

class Car(builtins.object)

 |  Car(make, model, year)


 |  A simple Car class.


 |  Methods defined here:


 |  __init__(self, make, model, year)

 |      Initialize the car object.


 |  start_engine(self)

 |      Simulate starting the car's engine.


 |  stop_engine(self)

 |      Simulate stopping the car's engine.


 |  ------------------------------------------------------------

 |  Data and other attributes defined here:


 |  __dict__ = mappingproxy({})

 |  __weakref__ = None

You can also directly access the docstring of a class or method using the doc attribute :


# Output: A simple Car class.


# Output: Simulate starting the car's engine.

2.4: Get the Object’s Memory Address with id()

To see where the object is stored in memory, use the id() function.


# Output: A unique number (memory address), like 140351924561104\

2.5: Check if an Object is Callable with callable()

We can check if an object (such as a method or function) is callable using the callable() function.

print(callable(my_car.start_engine))  # Output: True
print(callable(my_car))               # Output: False

This tells us that start_engine is a callable method, but my_car is not callable (because it's not a function or method).

2.6: Check Attribute Presence and Modify Attributes with getattr(), setattr(), and hasattr()

We can use getattr(), setattr(), and hasattr() to interact with object attributes dynamically.

#Check if an attribute exists:

print(hasattr(my_car, 'make'))  # Output: True
print(hasattr(my_car, 'color')) # Output: False

#Get an attribute value:

print(getattr(my_car, 'model'))  # Output: Camry

#Set or modify an attribute:

setattr(my_car, 'color', 'Red')
print(getattr(my_car, 'color'))  # Output: Red

2.8: Access System Information with the sys Module

The sys module provides system-specific information. For example, you can check the Python version or path settings.

import sys

print(sys.version)   # Output: Python version installed on the system

print(sys.path)      # Output: List of directories Python searches for modules

2.9: Get Detailed Information with the inspect Module

The inspect module provides more detailed introspection. Let’s inspect the signature of the init method of the Car class.

import inspect


# Output: (self, make, model, year)

You can also inspect the source code of a function or method :


This will output the source code of the start_engine() method :

def start_engine(self):

    """Simulate starting the car's engine."""

    print(f"The {self.make} {self.model}'s engine is now running.")

2.10: Use name to Get the Object’s Name

You can check the name of the module or class using the name attribute :

print(Car.__name__)  # Output: Car



Code introspection is a powerful feature that can help you understand your Python code more effectively. Whether you’re debugging, working with new libraries, or just curious about your objects, introspection tools like type(), dir(), help(), and others are essential to making your coding life easier.

By using these built-in tools, you can quickly gather information about different objects, classes, and functions without having to dig through source code manually.

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